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分布式MIMO与无蜂窝移动通信 尤肖虎 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值119元)【高清非扫描版】(2019年12月)

《分布式MIMO与无蜂窝移动通信》尤肖虎 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值119元)【高清非扫描版】(2019年12月)

分布式MIMO与无蜂窝移动通信 尤肖虎 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值119元)【高清非扫描版】(2019年12月)- 网课搜【wangkeso.com】




Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Distributed MIMO and Cell-free Mobile Communications 1
1.1 Technical background 1
1.2 Basic models of distributed MIMO and cell-free systems 5
1.2.1 Single-user model 5
1.2.2 Multiuser model 5
1.2.3 Cell-free system model 6
1.2.4 Orthogonal multiuser system model 6
1.2.5 Further discussion of the general model 6
1.3 Multiantenna channel characteristics and their impacts on system performance 7
1.4 Several forms of evolution of distributed MIMO 10
1.5 Chapter Summary 12
References 13
Chapter 2 Analysis of the Channel Capacity of Distributed MIMO 15
2.1 Information entropy and channel capacity of D-MIMO 16
2.2 Typical methods for evaluating the capacity of D-MIMO systems 17
2.2.1 Instantaneous channel capacity 18
2.2.2 Ergodic channel capacity 18
2.2.3 Outage capacity 18
2.2.4 Multiuser sum capacity 19
2.2.5 Channel capacity related to user position 19
2.2.6 Cell average channel capacity 21
2.2.7 ASE 21
2.3 Closed-form solution and analysis of D-MIMO channel capacity related to user position 21
2.3.1 High SNR regime (M 6 6L) 22
2.3.2 Low SNR regime 24
2.3.3 Numerical results 26
2.4 Cell average and outage capacities 29
2.5 Comparison of the area capacities of D-MIMO-based cell-free and traditional cellular systems 34
2.5.1 Area spectral effciency of a traditional cellular system 35
2.5.2 ASE of D-MIMO 37
2.5.3 Comparison of numerical results 38
2.6 Chapter summary 42
References 43
Chapter 3 Massive Distributed MIMO and Cell-free Systems Under Pilot Contamination 45
3.1 Massive D-MIMO and cell-free system models under pilot contamination 46
3.2 Uplink spectral effciency under pilot contamination 48
3.2.1 Spectral effciency of an MRC receiver 49
3.2.2 Spectral effciency of a zero-forcing (ZF) receiver 51
3.2.3 Spectral effciency of an MMSE receiver 52
3.2.4 Ergodic sum rate 52
3.2.5 Numerical results and discussion 53
3.3 Downlink spectral effciency under pilot contamination 62
3.3.1 MRT 64
3.3.2 ZF precoding 65
3.3.3 RZF precoding 65
3.3.4 Numerical results and discussion 66
3.4 Chapter summary 68
References 69
Chapter 4 Cell Edge Effect and Its Elimination with a Cell-free System 71
4.1 Background and basis for analysis 71
4.2 Cell edge effect in a multiantenna cellular system 74
4.2.1 Analytical result of Cworst 77
4.2.2 Analytical result of Ccircle 77
4.2.3 Analytical result of the relative area of an outage capacity region 78
4.3 Elimination of the cell edge effect of a cell-free system based on D-MIMO 83
4.4 Chapter summary 86
References 87
Chapter 5 Transmit Power Allocation and Energy Effciency Optimization of Distributed MIMO 88
5.1 D-MIMO power allocation 89
5.1.1 Fixed network topology 89
5.1.2 Variable network topology 91
5.2 Optimal power allocation for orthogonal multiuser D-MIMO 93
5.2.1 Optimal power allocation when the CSI is known at the transmitter 93
5.2.2 Optimal power allocation when the large-scale channel fading factors are known at the transmitter 94
5.3 Tradeoff optimization of energy and spectral effciencies of D-MIMO 95
5.4 Numerical results 98
5.5 Multicell D-MIMO power allocation and energy effciency optimization 102
5.6 Chapter summary 104
References 105
Chapter 6 Caching Optimization in Distributed MIMO Systems 107
6.1 Technical background of wireless caching 107
6.2 Caching research status 110
6.3 Caching model of D-MIMO 112
6.4 Tradeoff optimization of outage probability and fronthaul usage 119
6.4.1 GA-based caching scheme 119
6.4.2 Mode selection scheme 121
6.4.3 Computational complexity analysis 123
6.5 D-MIMO caching performance analysis 124
6.5.1 MPC and LB-LCD caching strategies 125
6.5.2 Tradeoff between cell average outage probability and fronthaul usage 127
6.5.3 Performance of GA-based caching and mode selection schemes 130
6.6 Chapter summary 135
References 135
Chapter 7 Low-complexity Transmission Technologies for D-MIMO 139
7.1 D-MIMO-OFDM system 139
7.1.1 MIMO-OFDM block transmission 139
7.1.2 D-MIMO-OFDM system design 142
7.2 D-MIMO multiuser transmit-receive method 144
7.2.1 Multiuser precoding 144
7.2.2 Multiuser interference suppression and detection 146
7.2.3 Simulation analysis 149
7.3 Pilot multiplexing techniques for D-MIMO 151
7.3.1 Sparsity of D-MIMO channels 151
7.3.2 Capacity maximization-based pilot multiplexing method 153
7.3.3 User position-based pilot multiplexing method 155
7.3.4 Simulation results 156
7.4 Multiuser transceiver design using sparsity 158
7.4.1 Uplink joint reception 158
7.4.2 Downlink joint multiuser precoding 161
7.4.3 Simulation analysis 162
7.5 Chapter summary 164
References 164
Chapter 8 Massive Distributed MIMO and Cell-free Network-assisted Full Duplex 166
8.1 NAFD for a cell-free architecture 167
8.1.1 Duplex modes of mobile communication 167
8.1.2 Concept of NAFD 168
8.1.3 Signal model for NAFD 170
8.1.4 Channel model for NAFD 172
8.2 Spectral effciency analysis of NAFD in a cell-free architecture 173
8.2.1 Overall downlink spectral effciency 173
8.2.2 Overall uplink spectral effciency 174
8.2.3 User scheduling 175
8.2.4 Simulation analysis 178
8.3 Joint downlink precoding and uplink power control for cell-free NAFD 181
8.3.1 System optimization modeling 181
8.3.2 Simulation results 183
8.4 Chapter summary 184
References 185
Appendix 187
Chapter 9 Proof of Concept and Validation: Implementation Based on a Cloud Architecture 189
9.1 Tested system architecture 190
9.1.1 Overall system architecture 190
9.1.2 System hardware architecture 192
9.1.3 System software architecture 194
9.2 High-performance software supporting technologies 195
9.2.1 DPDK technology 196
9.2.2 Multithreading technology 198
9.2.3 SSE/AVX-based LDPC codec technology 201
9.2.4 MKL-based vector operations 203
9.2.5 Thread-free synchronization 203
9.3 Synchronization and reciprocity calibration 204
9.3.1 Massive D-MIMO synchronization 204
9.3.2 Reciprocity calibration of D-MIMO 205
9.4 Radio link design 208
9.4.1 Algorithm for implementation of channel information acquisition 208
9.4.2 Uplink-downlink precoding and receiver 209
9.5 Test results 211
9.5.1 Throughput test 211
9.5.2 Key technology tests 213
9.6 Chapter summary 217
References 218

» 分布式MIMO与无蜂窝移动通信 尤肖虎 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值119元)【高清非扫描版】(2019年12月)


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