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郭柏灵论文集(第十六卷) 郭柏灵 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值198元)【高清非扫描版】(2023年03月)

《郭柏灵论文集(第十六卷)》郭柏灵 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值198元)【高清非扫描版】(2023年03月)

郭柏灵论文集(第十六卷) 郭柏灵 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值198元)【高清非扫描版】(2023年03月)- 网课搜【wangkeso.com】




On the Backward Uniqueness of the Stochastic Primitive Equations with Additive Noise 1
Weak Solutions to the Three-dimensional Steady Flow of a Compressible Reactive Mixture 36
A Riemann-Hilbert Approach for a New Type Coupled Nonlinear Schr.dinger Equations 59
Doubly Periodic Vortices for a Chern-Simons Model 79
Some Problems of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Field Theory 105
Soliton Interactions and Modulation Instability for the N-Coupled Complex Short Pulse Equations in an Optical Fiber 122
Semiclassical Limit to the Generalized Nonlinear Schr.dinger Equation 137
The Inviscid Limit in the Cauchy Problem of the Inhomogeneous Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations 163
Blow-up of the Smooth Solution to the Compressible Nematic Liquid Crystal System 186
The Well-posedness of the Double-diffusive Convection System in a Bounded Domain 204
Long-time Asymptotics for the Kundu-Eckhaus Equation on the Half-line 219
Long-time Asymptotics for the Hirota Equation on the Half-line.247
Optical Rogue Waves for the Coherently Coupled Nonlinear Schr.dinger Equation with Alternate Signs of Nonlinearities 278
Qualitative Analysis of Solution for the Full Compressible Euler Equations in RN 285
Long-time Behavior of Solutions for Full Compressible Quantum Model in R3 319
Ground State Solution for a Class Fractional Hamiltonian Systems 326
On the Propagation of Regularity and Decay of Solutions to the Benjamin Equation 364

» 郭柏灵论文集(第十六卷) 郭柏灵 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值198元)【高清非扫描版】(2023年03月)


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