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公共卫生突发事件中职业安全与健康:医护人员和应急救援者防护指南 世界卫生组织 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值108元)【高清非扫描版】(2020年)

《公共卫生突发事件中职业安全与健康:医护人员和应急救援者防护指南》世界卫生组织 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值108元)【高清非扫描版】(2020年)

公共卫生突发事件中职业安全与健康:医护人员和应急救援者防护指南 世界卫生组织 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值108元)【高清非扫描版】(2020年)- 网课搜【wangkeso.com】



第1章 应急期间的职业安全与健康:管理要素1
1.1 解决职业性有害因素和风险的管理体系 1
1.2 疾病暴发和应急期间用人单位与劳动者的权利、职责和责任 3
1.3 采用健康与安全监护和监测系统应对西非埃博拉病毒病的述评 6
1.4 应急响应者的健康监测和监护 9
第2章 应急和疾病暴发过程中的职业安全与健康防护策略及工具 12
2.1 《国际卫生条例》(2005) 12
2.2 疾病暴发和应急的事故指挥系统 13
2.3 卫生应急规划 16
2.4 职业安全与健康控制措施 18
2.5 预防和控制传染病的策略 19
2.5.1 标准防范 19
2.5.2 在医疗机构中预防职业性呼吸道感染 27
第3章 应急情况下常见的安全与健康风险 29
3.1 病媒传播疾病 29
3.2 水源性和食源性疾病 30
3.3 疫苗可预防疾病 31
3.4 热应激 31
3.5 滑倒、绊倒和跌倒 32
3.6 道路交通伤害 34
3.7 工效学有害因素 35
3.8 暴力 36
3.9 疲劳 37
3.10 疫情暴发和应急期间的社会心理压力 39
第4章 传染病暴发时的职业安全与健康:临床和社区环境 44
4.1 埃博拉病毒病治疗和护理机构中的职业安全与健康 45
4.2 霍乱治疗机构的职业安全与健康 46
4.3 处理传染性病原体实验室的职业安全与健康管理 47
4.4 在医疗照护机构中接触血液、体液和其他污染物的管理 47
4.5 呼吸道疾病暴发期间医护人员对急性呼吸疾病的职业安全与健康保护 50
4.6 疾病暴发应对过程中的社区环境职业安全与健康 51
4.6.1 社区工作(如社会动员、接触者追踪、个案调查) 51
4.6.2 用于接送患者或搬运遗体的救护车和其他车辆 52
4.6.3 尸检 52
4.6.4 安全并有尊严的埋葬 53
4.6.5 出入境口岸、陆路口岸、机场和海港 54
4.6.6 飞机 55
4.6.7 船舶 56
4.6.8 出租车和公共交通工具 57
4.6.9 废水处理工 58
4.6.10 喷洒杀虫剂以控制病媒 59
第5章 化学事故中的职业安全与健康 61
5.1 对化学事故的应急 61
5.2 化学品的职业安全与健康危害及风险 61
5.3 化学事故期间应急响应者的职业安全与健康管理 63
5.3.1 化学品应急状况管理的事故指挥系统 63
5.3.2 个人防护用品 65
5.3.3 应急响应者的去污 66
5.3.4 应急响应者的医学监护 68
第6章 放射性事故中的职业安全与健康 69
6.1 放射性事故的起因和构想 69
6.2 放射性应急期间应急响应者的职业安全与健康管理 70
6.2.1 放射性应急期间应急响应者的保护指南 71
6.2.2 放射性事故应急管理指挥系统 72
6.2.3 个人防护用品 74
6.2.4 去污 74
6.2.5 应急情况下职业接触放射性救援者的职业健康监护 75
第7章 自然灾害中的职业安全与健康危害因素 77
7.1 洪水导致的职业安全与健康危害及风险 78
7.2 热带风暴、飓风、龙卷风和台风 79
7.3 地震 79
7.4 自然灾害应对过程中遭受的常见职业安全与健康危害 80
7.4.1 搜索和救援队行动 80
7.4.2 与机械锯使用相关的危害和风险及其控制措施 83
7.4.3 户外工作因昆虫等叮咬和直接接触有毒植物引起的危害 83
第8章 在冲突局势下人道主义应援期间医务人员的安全与健康管理 85
8.1 冲突和应援期间医疗卫生机构的职业安全与健康管理 85
8.1.1 医疗机构的安全措施 86
8.1.2 保护医疗卫生机构中劳动者的措施 86
8.1.3 冲突期间的压力管理 87
参考文献 89
工具箱 93
Purpose of the manual
Chapter 1 Occupational safety and health during emergencies: management aspects 1
1.1 Management system approach to occupational safety and health hazards and risks 1
1.2 Rights, duties and responsibilities of employers and workers during outbreaks and emergencies 3
1.3 Overview of health and safety surveillance and monitoring system implemented during the Ebola virus disease response in West Africa 6
1.4 Emergency Responders Health Monitoring and Surveillance 9
Chapter 2 Strategies and tools for protecting occupational safety and health in emergencies and outbreaks 12
2.1 International Health Regulations, 2005 12
2.2 Incident Command System for managing outbreaks and emergencies 13
2.3 The World Health Organization Health Emergencies programme 16
2.4 Occupational safety and health controls 18
2.5 Strategies for infection prevention and control 19
2.5.1 Standard precautions 19
2.5.2 Prevention of occupational respiratory infections in health-care settings 27
Chapter 3 Common risks for safety and health in emergencies 29
3.1 Vector-borne diseases 29
3.2 Water and foodborne diseases 30
3.3 Vaccine-preventable diseases 31
3.4 Heat stress 31
3.5 Slips, trips and falls 32
3.6 Road traffic injuries 34
3.7 Ergonomic hazards 35
3.8 Violence 36
3.9 Fatigue 37
3.10 Psychosocial stress during outbreaks and emergencies 39
Chapter 4 Occupational safety and health in outbreaks of communicable diseases: clinical and community settings 44
4.1 Occupational safety and health in Ebola treatment and care units 45
4.2 Occupational safety and health in the cholera treatment unit 46
4.3 Managing occupational safety and health in laboratories handling infectious agents 47
4.4 Management of exposure to blood, body fluids and other contaminants in health-care settings 47
4.5 Occupational safety and health protection of health workers from acute respiratory diseases during respiratory disease outbreaks 50
4.6 Occupational safety and health in outbreak response in community settings 51
4.6.1 Community work (e.g. social mobilization, contact-tracing, case-finding) 51
4.6.2 Ambulances and vehicles for patients or dead bodies 52
4.6.3 Post-mortem examinations 52
4.6.4 Safe and dignified burials 53
4.6.5 Points of entry and exit, land crossings, airports and sea ports 54
4.6.6 Aircraft 55
4.6.7 Ships 56
4.6.8 Taxis and public transport 57
4.6.9 Waste-water workers 58
4.6.10 Insecticidal spraying for vector control activities 59
Chapter 5 Occupational safety and health in chemical incidents 61
5.1 Emergencies caused by chemical incidents 61
5.2 Occupational safety and health hazards and risks of chemicals 61
5.3 Occupational safety and health management of emergency responders during chemical incidents 63
5.3.1 Incident Command System for managing chemical emergencies 63
5.3.2 Personal protective equipment 65
5.3.3 Decontamination of emergency response personnel 66
5.3.4 Medical surveillance of emergency responders 68
Chapter 6 Occupational safety and health in radiation incidents 69
6.1 Sources and scenarios of radiation incidents 69
6.2 Occupational safety and health management of emergency responders during radiation emergencies 70
6.2.1 Guidance for protection of emergency responders during radiation emergencies 71
6.2.2 Incident Command System for managing radiation emergencies 72
6.2.3 Personal protective equipment 74
6.2.4 Decontamination 74
6.2.5 Occupational health surveillance of persons occupationally exposed to radiation in emergencies 75
Chapter 7 Occupational safety and health hazards in natural disasters 77
7.1 Occupational safety and health hazards and risks due to floods 78
7.2 Tropical storms, hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons 79
7.3 Earthquakes 79
7.4 Common occupational safety and health hazards encountered during response activities following natural disasters 80
7.4.1 Search and rescue team operations 80
7.4.2 Hazards and risks associated with the use of chainsaws and their control 83
7.4.3 Hazards due to animal/insect bites and contact with poisonous plants during outdoor work 83
Chapter 8 Managing the health and safety of health workers during humanitarian response in conflict situations 85
8.1 Management of occupational safety and health in health facilities during conflicts and emergencies 85
8.1.1 Measures for the safety of health facilities 86
8.1.2 Measures for protection of people working in health facilities 86
8.1.3 Management of stress during conflicts 87
References 89
Toolkit 93

» 公共卫生突发事件中职业安全与健康:医护人员和应急救援者防护指南 世界卫生组织 科学出版社 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载(价值108元)【高清非扫描版】(2020年)


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