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Lewin基因XII 英文原版 Lewin’s Genes XII Krebs 进口原版书 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载 (价值2399元)【高清原版 非扫描版】(2018年)

《Lewin基因XII 英文原版 Lewin’s Genes XII》Krebs 进口原版书 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载 (价值2399元)【高清原版 非扫描版】(2018年)

Lewin基因XII 英文原版 Lewin’s Genes XII Krebs 进口原版书 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载 (价值2399元)【高清原版 非扫描版】(2018年)- 网课搜【wangkeso.com】

Lewin基因XII 英文原版 Lewin’s Genes XII Krebs 进口原版书 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载 (价值2399元)【高清原版 非扫描版】(2018年)- 网课搜【wangkeso.com】


Long considered the quintessential molecular biology textbook, for decades Lewin’s Genes has provided the most modern presentation to this transformative and dynamic science. Now in its twelfth edition, this classic text continues to lead with new information and cutting-edge developments, covering gene structure, sequencing, organization, and expression. Leading scientists provide revisions and updates in their respective areas of study offering readers current research and relevant information on the rapidly changing subjects in molecular biology. No other text offers a broader understanding of this exciting and vital science or does so with higher quality art and illustrations. Lewin’s Genes XII continues to be the clear choice for molecular biology and genetics.


Part  1  Genes and Chromosomes
Chapter  1  Genes Are DNA and Encode RNAs and Polypeptides
Chapter  2  Methods in Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
Chapter  3  The Interrupted Gene
Chapter  4  The Content of the Genome
Chapter  5  Genome Sequences and Evolution
Chapter  6  Clusters and Repeats
Chapter  7  Chromosomes
Chapter  8
Chromatin Part  2  DNA Replication and Recombination
Chapter  9  Replication Is Connected to the Cell Cycle
Chapter  10  The Replicon: Initiation of Replication
Chapter  11  DNA Replication
Chapter  12  Extrachromosomal Replicons
Chapter  13  Homologous and Site-Specific Recombination
Chapter  14  Repair Systems
Chapter  15  Transposable Elements and Retroviruses
Chapter  16  Somatic DNA Recombination and Hypermutation in the Immune System
Part  3  Transcription and Posttranscriptional Mechanisms
Chapter  17  Prokaryotic Transcription
Chapter  18  Eukaryotic Transcription
Chapter  19  RNA Splicing and Processing
Chapter  20  mRNA Stability and Localization
Chapter  21  Catalytic RNA
Chapter  22  Translation
Chapter  23  Using the Genetic Code
Part  4  Gene Regulation
Chapter  24  The Operon
Chapter  25  Phage Strategies
Chapter  26  Eukaryotic Transcription Regulation
Chapter  27  Epigenetics I
Chapter  28  Epigenetics II
Chapter  29  Noncoding RNA
Chapter  30  Regulatory RNA

» Lewin基因XII 英文原版 Lewin’s Genes XII Krebs 进口原版书 PDF电子教材 PDF电子书 大学教材电子版 电子课本 网盘下载 (价值2399元)【高清原版 非扫描版】(2018年)


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